We were delighted to invite participants to join us online or in person for a unique series of lectures hosted by our partners across the technological higher education sector: ATU, DkIT, IADT, MTU, SETU, TU Dublin, and TUS. Each lecture focused on one of N-TUTORR’s core themes—digital transformation, universal design for learning, education for sustainability, academic integrity, EDI, and employability. The series opened with a lecture on 01 October, setting the scene by providing an overview of N-TUTORR’s impact and future directions.

This series features keynote speakers addressing key N–TUTORR themes, including Academic Integrity, Digital Transformation in Teaching and Learning, Education for Sustainability, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and Employability.
The series opens with a keynote presentation by TU Dublin Registrar and Deputy President, Dr Mary Meaney, who discusses how N–TUTORR has supported various TU Dublin initiatives aligned with these themes. The event begins with remarks from TU Dublin President, Professor John Doran, and N–TUTORR National Coordinator, Dr Sharon Flynn, followed by Dr Meaney’s keynote.

The IADT lecture focuses on Universal Design for Learning, with a keynote presentation by Marie O’Neill-Maher, Deputy Librarian, and begins with remarks from Dr. Selina Guinness, Head of Teaching & Learning, who serves as the event’s MC.

The MTU N-TUTORR Autumn Lecture on Academic Integrity is part of a unique series of seven lectures that explore N-TUTORR’s themes, impact and collaboration.

The TUS lecture focuses on Digital Transformation, with a keynote presentation by Jesse Stommel, and Dr. Trevor Prendergast serving as MC.

The ATU lecture focuses on Education for Sustainability, featuring a keynote presentation by Dr. Mark Kelly, with opening remarks by Dr. Orla Flynn, President of ATU. The event explores how a holistic approach to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) can empower learners to become agents of change for sustainable futures.

The DkIT lecture focuses on Employability, with a keynote presentation by Dr. Angela Short, Lecturer at Dundalk Institute of Technology.

The SETU lecture focuses on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), with keynote presentations by Dr. Allison Kenneally, Vice President for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, and Dr. Cara Daly, Lecturer at SETU. The event begins with an opening address by Professor Veronica Campbell, President of SETU, followed by the keynotes and a panel discussion.